Friday 3 February 2012

Form - Narrative Structure

Narrative structure is basically the story within an advert and the course it takes. Every TV show or film has a narrative structure and it's not different with adverts. The main structure used is a linear structure which just beginning, middle and end but some programs/films/adverts can use different structures. The beginning is where the characters within the story are all normal and the story is at a balance, the middle is where something happens, usually a problem for the characters to overcome in order to restore the balance. The end is the restoration where the problem has been solved or the object has been removed and the characters are back to normal. Narrative structures are used in adverts so there is a point to the advert and it makes sense in order to keep viewers watching and attract more viewers to the product being advertised.

The narrative structure of this Volkswagen advert is a linear structure. The beginning shows us an average child dressed up as a Darth Vader, the middle is the child trying to use the force on objects in his house and it isn't working for him. The end shows the child try to use the force to start his Dad's car and his Dad uses the remote to start it to make the child think he's done it. It is aimed at mainly older people because they are the ones who would drive that type of car and they would remember Darth Vader from the Star Wars films which were popular when the target audience were younger.

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