Friday 3 February 2012

Form - Talking Heads

Talking heads is a way of using the people in the advert as average everyday people so the audience can relate to them because they are in the same position. It is usually a person struggling to decide on a product or whether to buy a product or not and it puts the people in the advert at the same level as that person and the advert makes the product appear worth buying. Because the people in the advert are in the same position as the viewers, it is more likely to persuade the viewers to buy the product because it is more believable.

This Asda extra special advert is an example of a talking heads advert, the main character in the advert is a normal everyday person like the majority of the viewers and is describing what the beef is like to us on his level so that it's more believable and will persuade more people to buy it. It is aimed mainly at adults because they're the ones who would do the food shopping and buy things like the product that is being advertised, also the character is an adult so it puts you on their level. It's mainly males because beef is something that males eat more than women and the character is a male.

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